Merryland International School


The school discipline system is based on the premise that there are consequences of action. It endeavours to be consistent and fair and is underpinned by the principles of natural justice. For the school community to operate as a safe learning in environment where all strive for personal excellence, it is important that clear boundaries are established. While rewards are for motivating the students to sustain good actions and consistently strive for better behaviour and efforts, reprimands are in order to check during the same.

BLACK MARK — Careless and untidy work, incomplete, non submission of Class Work or Homework, Projects, Assignments, Holiday Homework, Display Board Work (as assigned) or any other work assigned by the teacher etc. indicating a general lack of effort in academics and pupil initiative may lead to the issue of a black mark by any teacher. This will also apply to not bringing of books, notebooks, late return of library books, coming late to school and damaging school property. A student who gets 4 black marks indicating a sustained lack of effort shall be liable for the issue of black card. A record of the black mark will also be added to student evolution report.

BLACK CARD — A black card may be given by teachers for infringement of school rules, transport rules, resources centre rules, etc. and general misbehavior. If a student gets 4 black marks, he/she will be issued a black card.

OTHER DISCIPLINARY MEASURES — The following disciplinary measures may also be adopted by school in dealing with students behaving in an unruly manner:

1. Oral warning and counselling
2. Written warning
3. Detention during the break
4. Suspension (from 7 to 30 days) from school
5. Rustication
6. Withdrawal of transport facility for misbehaviour in the school bus. In such cases, parents will be responsible for bringing the child to                 school on their own.

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