Principal Desk

Education is not confined to learning of facts from the book, but the training of minds to think.
With the turn of the calendar, the commitment to take the school to greater heights is more firmly established. New energies, new blood pumped into the system brings a fresh thought and a paradigm shift is being envisaged. Undoubtedly, this would require hard work, perseverance and a firm belief in the adage ‘Yes, We Can’, but we are committed and with a firm resolve, would surge forth to accomplish the vision of our preceding stalwarts who set the tone and tempo for performance.
Any institution works smoothly and attains recognition and its place on the ladder with team-work and mutual trust. Newer and more innovative ways of collaboration need to be evolved and implemented. To attain this, the institution is committed.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that our aspiration of differentiating knowledge from information is what sets us apart and debar us from joining the bandwagon. So let’s all join hands to take off on this journey to higher orbits of excellence.
Sandeep Singh
Merry Land International Public School